My Games

Game Fire - My Games
My Games feature enables you to organize, manage, and optimize all your favorite games whether local or web including games from popular gaming platforms like Steam and Ubisoft Connect. You can reach your games either from the Game Fire main interface or from the My Games desktop widget that you access from anywhere on your computer.
Scan for Games
Game Fire will scan for legacy games installed on the computer to add them to your games collection. (see Game Scanner below)
Add Game
Manually add a local/web game to your games collection. (see Add New Game below)
Launch the selected game.
By default, Game Fire will activate Game Mode before launching games from My Games.
Edit the selected game information e.g: title, cover art, and description.
You can not edit all information of games imported from Steam and Ubisoft Connect.
Change the way games are displayed in My Games.
Show Hidden Games
Toggle the display of hidden games.
Refresh Games
Refresh the listed games.
Clear Games Cache
Clears and rebuilds the cache of Steam and Ubisoft Connect games, this may help fix issues like duplicate games and games are not being displayed correctly.
Open My Games settings. (see Game Fire Settings)

My Games Context Menu
Launch the selected game.
Open Location
Open the location of the selected game's executable in File Explorer.
Change Cover Art
Change the cover art used to display the selected game.
Edit Game Details
Edit the selected game information e.g: title, cover art, and description.
Create Shortcut
Create a shortcut for the selected game.
Defrag Game Files
Defrag the files of the selected game files to help improve game startup and loading performance. (see Game Defragment)
 DO NOT defrag game files stored on solid-state drives (SSD) because it may reduce the drive lifespan.
Search Cover Art
Search Game Fire website for covers to use for the selected game.
Search Game Information
Use the website specified in My Games settings to search information for the selected game.
You can change the website used to search game information by going to Settings > My Games > Game information website.
Hide/Unhide the selected game from My Games.
Use this option to hide games that can not be removed from My Games.
Remove the selected game from your games collection.
This option won't delete/uninstall the selected game.
Game Information
Display the Game Information dialog box.
Launcher Properties
Open the File Properties dialog box of the selected game's executable file.


Game Scanner

Game Fire - Game Scanner
Game Fire uses an internal database to scan your system for legacy games installed on the local computer so that you can quickly add them to your games collection without the need to add them manually one by one. You can customize the locations where Game Fire searches for installed games from Settings > My Games > Game Scanner.
To scan your computer for games, in My Games click the Scan for Games button in the upper right corner of the user interface. The scanning process may take a while depending on the target locations where Game Fire will scan for games.
If Game Fire finds matching games, it will display the Select Games dialog box where you can select which games to add to your games collection in My Games.


Add New Game

Game Fire -  Add Game
Use this dialog to manually add games whether local or web to your games collection in My Games.
Game Information
Game launcher path or URL
Specify the path of the game's main executable in case of a local game or the game URL in case of a web game.
Game title
The title to use to display the game in My Games.
Game description
The game description, may help locate the game using the search functionality.
Game genre
The genre of the game, may help group and organize similar games.
Launch parameters
Parameters to pass to the game's executable when launching the game.
Game Thumbnail
Set an image to be used as a thumbnail overriding the default thumbnail generated from the game's executable.
Use the thumbnail generated from the game's main executable.
Change the background color of the game thumbnail.
Specify a path of an image to be used as cover art for the game, the cover art will override the game thumbnail.
Search Cover Arts
Search Game Fire website for covers to use for the game.
Remove Cover Art
Delete the currently set cover art.


My Games Widget

Game Fire - My Games Desktop widget
My Games widget allows you to access and manage your games collection from anywhere on your computer without the need to launch Game Fire.
You can open the My Games widget either by right-clicking on the Game Fire icon in the system tray and selecting My Games or by the using My Games hotkey. (the default Ctrl + Shift + M)
You can change the My Games hotkey by going to Game Fire Settings > My Games > Enable My Games hotkey