Live Optimization can effectively boost apps and games performance in real-time by allowing them to utilize all available system resources, in the same time it restricts unnecessary apps and background processes from consuming computer resources, this is done automatically without affecting system functionality or stability.
Live Optimization is part of Game Mode, you can enable it using the Boost games performance in real-time option in Game Mode Profile. When Game Mode is turned on, Game Fire will automatically activate Live Optimization and will display the notification below.
You can configure Live Optimization features using options in Game Fire Settings > Live Optimization.
Optimize apps and games performance in real-time
Live Optimization will automatically boost the processing priority of games and apps you use, it will restore the default priority when you switch away from the optimized app.
Deprioritize unnecessary apps and processes
Live Optimization will deprioritize the processing priority of unnecessary apps and background processes to prevent them from consuming system resources, this will help boost the performance of games and apps you use.
Optimize apps and processes memory usage
Live Optimization will automatically optimize the memory usage of unnecessary processes in order to make more system memory available for the games and apps you use.
Enable Live Optimization log
Enable the logging of Live Optimization activities.
When Live Optimization boosts an app or optimizes a background process, it will display a notification similar to the one below.
You can customize Live Optimization notifications by going to Game Fire Settings > Notifications > Live Optimization Notifications
You can manually activate and deactivate Live Optimization by right-clicking on the Game Fire icon in the system tray and selecting Activate Live Optimization.
Live Optimization Log
In the Live Optimization Log, you can get information about changes made by Live Optimization to the running apps and processes. You can access Live Optimization Log by right-clicking on the Game Fire icon in the system tray and selecting Live Optimization Log.
Remove all activity records displayed in the Live Optimization Log.
Export Live Optimization log into an HTML file.
Context Menu
Open Location
Open the location of the selected process's executable in File Explorer.
Search Online
Search the web for the selected process information.
Exclude Process
Exclude the selected process from being optimized or changed by Live Optimization.
You can manage Live Optimization exclusions by going to Game Fire Settings > Live Optimization > Exclude processes and apps from Live Optimization
End Process
Terminate the selected process.
End Process Tree
Terminate the selected process tree.