Game Mode Profile

Game Fire - Game Mode Profile
The Game Mode Profile is a set of options and configurations that will determine how Game Fire optimizes your computer and which features and services to suspend when Game Mode is activated. You can either use a pre-defined profile and customize its settings or create an entirely new one. You can switch between profiles using the Default Profile combo box.
  Create a new Game Mode Profile. (see New Game Mode Profile below)
  Delete the selected Game Mode Profile.
  Export the settings of the selected Game Mode Profile into a Windows Registry file.
In the Game Mode Profile, options are grouped into 5 main categories, each option has a tool-tip that describes the function of this option.
By using the options in the drop-down menu of the Advanced button, you can add additional processes, services, and scheduled tasks to your Game Mode settings so that Game Fire can optimize them or exclude specific processes and services from optimization. (Apply to all Game Mode profiles)
Game Fire - Game Mode Profile advanced options

New Game Mode Profile
Game Fire - New Game Mode Profile
In the New Profile dialog box, you can create a new Game Mode profile by only specifying its name in the Profile Name text field. You can choose whether the new profile should be the default one by checking Set as the default profile.